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Ready to Change Your Life?

// Change Your Life Now

2 Corinthians 4:18 says, “We look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are temporary, but the things that are unseen are eternal.”


We are taught from an early age in order to believe, first we must see.

However, we unconsciously exercise faith in numerous ways to function in our world. Think about it.

The human experience, from science to religion, is powered by one thing: faith.

// Consider This:

When it comes to faith and science — They actually complement each other.

But science alone does nothing to fill the emptiness in our heart.

If this resonates, you may be ready for a change.

// Good News

Even if you have never been a person of faith, or if you once were and have since stepped away, there is good news for you.

Through God’s Son, Jesus Christ, you can receive forgiveness and connection with God.

We are sinners. That’s a fact. But...

“God loved the world so much He gave His only Son Jesus to die for our sins, so that whoever believes in Him would not be lost, but have eternal life.”

Jesus paid for our sins by dying for us.

He came back to life again to offer us true life (starting today) with Him.

“To all who believed Him and received Him, He gave the right to become children of God.”

Receiving Him sparks connection!

If you want to receive Jesus and turn from your sins, you can ask Him into your heart by praying these simple words out loud:

“Lord Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God.
Thank you for dying on the cross for me. And coming to life again.
I need you.
Please forgive my sins. I accept your grace.

Right now, I ask you Jesus, to be the only Lord, and the only Savior of my life.
Thank you for coming into my heart. I want to do your will from now on. 

In Jesus’ name, Amen 


[If you just prayed this prayer for the first time,
Click the FIRST TIME button]
[If you just rededicated your life to Jesus,
Click the REDEDICATED button]

"I Still Have Questions"

We understand making a change can be tough. If you need help, hope, or just have questions, you can text or chat with one of our care team. It’s free, safe, confidential and available 24/7.

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